What We’re Doing

(UPDATED: 1/20/2021 AT 12:07 PM)

This Sunday, January 24, 2021, our campus will return to having Worship Care for birth through grade 5 at the 9:00 a.m. service. We will continue our COVID-19 protocols for this age range to ensure the safest possible environment for all children who attend. Those with children in this age range will receive a Worship Care RSVP email later today.

We will also continue to remain at 50% capacity in our worship center and ask that anyone who may be symptomatic or has been exposed to someone with an active case to please attend our online service only. Our prescreening process will remain in place for all staff and volunteers serving at our in-person worship services.

At this time, we are not open to any small group gatherings other than Sunday morning in-person worship. We also encourage all LIFE groups, focus studies, or other small groups to meet in online formats until we communicate differently based on the advice of government and public health official information.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Attend West Franklin Online or in-person

Frequently Asked Questions

Are safety measures being provided on campus?

We will remain at 50% capacity in our worship center with physical distancing strictly enforced. We recognize that COVID-19 is a serious health issue and encourage anyone who may be more vulnerable or feel unsafe to join us in online worship. It is strongly recommended that all people attending our in-person gatherings wear masks to and during our services. Our prescreening process will remain in place for all staff and volunteers serving at our in-person worship services.

Can I come to in-person gatherings if I’m sick?

We ask that anyone (staff members, volunteers, church members, etc.) who may be symptomatic or has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 to please attend our online service only.

Why are online services pre-recorded?

We want to provide you with the best online experience at this time! We’re currently serving with a limited media team for our in-person worship gatherings, and our times have been adjusted for cleaning purposes. To keep the quality of our online services and standard times (9:00 and 10:30 a.m.), we are using this approach. Many of you have shown increasing engagement, so we want to continue to provide you with this great experience. And, our hope is that you will further connect and engage as we navigate this new season together!

How can I stay connected during this time?

We care deeply about your ministry needs, so we are diligently working to provide you with helpful and uplifting resources! Each of our campuses will continue to hold online worship gatherings. Our Groups are also meeting via video to stay in community. Let’s continue to be the church as we engage in rhythms of worship, discipleship, and prayer during this season.